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Huawei unveils 3D phone this month

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Huawei unveils 3D phone this month

China's Huawei plans to unveil a new phone with a 3D Huawei  camera this month, according to news reports

Huawei unveils 3D phone this month | electro4reviews
Huawei unveils 3D phone this month | electro4reviews

China's Huawei plans to unveil a new 3D phone with a 3D Huawei  camera this month, according to news reports.

Huawei  According to Bloomberg, the next Huawei phone is called Princeton, and Sony is using advanced sensors from Sony to integrate the technology into its phone, and the Huawei camera will be able to take 3D images.

The Huawei new feature 3D phone will not only capture stereoscopic images, but will also be equipped to work in conjunction with enhanced reality applications,3D phone enabling developers to use and manage applications and games in new ways.

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